This is a great Android app is a must for LONDON TravellersAlso works in other countries and areas of the UK
Find your way back to your Hotel, find Bus Stations, Pubs, Hotels and local attractions in the area via GPS
When you get to your Hotel just open up your app and wait for the GPS to find your postion, then simply click on the button to save your location. When you need to find your way back to your Hotel open your app and it will walk you back to your Hotel by satellite and Google maps
You can also use this app to find Local Pubs, Hotels and other attractions
The map rotates based on the compass orientation, and helps you to navigate to your destination. Use it as a Phone satnav / GPS location finder
Key words: London travelers, Hotel Locator, travel, GPS Compass, Map, Google Maps, compass orientation, navigate, Satellite Fix, Phone satnav, pub finder, hotel finderVisit London London Map